Professor Fiona Brookman took part in a Ministerial Roundtable to discuss best practice in law enforcement as part of the Prime Minister’s Serious Youth Violence Summit at 10 Downing Street on Mondays 1st April 2019.
Serious violence is impacting communities up and down the country. Protecting the public is the first duty of the Government, but tackling violence is not only a law enforcement priority. The Government is committed to a cross-system, multi-agency approach – with a wide range of public bodies working closely with community and faith leaders, and the voluntary and charitable sectors to take joint action in local communities.
The Prime Minister hosted the Serious Youth Violence Summit to drive action in this area, ensuring a shared understanding of this whole community approach, which seeks to tackle the root causes of serious violence, as well as intervening with those most at risk, when they are most at risk. The Summit was opened by the Prime Minister on Monday 1 April and included a number of Ministerially-chaired roundtable discussions over the course of the week, covering Best Practice in Law Enforcement; the Role of Education; Investing in Communities; Positive Activities for Young People; Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System; Creating Opportunities for Young People; and Interventions in Health. This Summit will build on the Government’s Serious Violence Strategy and look to initiate an ongoing programme of work, with attendees invited to demonstrate how they will act to implement this multi-agency approach.